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Shake, Rattle and Roll: The Baxter Boys #4 (The Baxter Boys ~ Rattled) Read online

Page 15

  “Just a few blocks down the road.”

  Perfect. Bethany may hate this or she may love it. I’m not really sure, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

  The best part about being on break and not having to go anywhere is that I can lounge around in yoga pants, t-shirt, no bra and my hair back in a ponytail, which I’ve been doing for two days. I didn’t even go out with friends on Friday or Saturday night, even though I thought I would. Hell, I haven’t even showered since Thursday. I’m gross and that needs to be dealt with sooner than later. Not that I’m really dirty since all I’ve been doing is binging on shows while I go through patterns and my fabric, trying to decide what kind of quilt to make and if I should make one for Christian. It’s too soon for a gift like that. It’s too soon for any type of gift except maybe a cup of coffee, but there isn’t anything I want to make for myself.

  Of course, I could visit fabric and quilt stores and try to find the missing shades for my current project, but that would require that I do something with myself and heaven knows I have enough fabric in those tubs to make five quilts, if not more, and I really shouldn’t spend money on new fabric when it’s not essential.

  Christian should get to play in Seattle today. He got there last night. He’s only sent me a few texts since Thursday. They played two nights in Boise and I know those run late, then he sleeps late and he’s probably busy with other stuff before they play. We chatted for a bit yesterday, after they got to Seattle, but he was yawning so much that I finally told him to sleep again. He said he liked Boise and thought I would too. Today he plans on looking around Seattle before they play. What he is not doing is spending any more time with the band than he needs to and confessed that he doesn’t think they will be together long after they get back. Christian didn’t elaborate, other than they weren’t meshing like they did in the beginning.

  Maybe I’ll hear from him today, maybe I won’t. I could text him, but I’m more comfortable with him texting me first. Besides, I have absolutely nothing to say. At least nothing interesting because I doubt he wants to hear about my quilting process or what shows I’ve watched.

  Why is he even interested in me? I am not the most exciting person to know.

  With a sigh, I stand at my quilting table. Fabric in front of me, but I’m hesitant to make even one cut.

  It’s because I’m not passionate about the project. Instead, I put it away and return to the computer. There has to be a pattern that speaks to me.

  At the buzzer by my door, I hop up and go to the intercom. Either a neighbor has been locked out or the person down there has the wrong address because I’m not expecting anyone.


  “Delivery for Miss Bethany Dalton.”

  “Be right down.”

  I grab my keys and head out. I’m not expecting anything, but Mom does tend to ship care packages.

  When I get there, I sign for the package and take it back to my apartment. It isn’t until I’m in the elevator that I notice it’s from Christian, from an address in Boise.

  My pulse picks up and I can’t wait to get inside my apartment and open it.

  When I do, I just burst out laughing. Bags of fabric. Colors I need, and some I don’t, like black.


  * * *

  I had no idea there were stores dedicated just to quilting. I assumed you got your material from a fabric store. Hope these can help add to your quilt. Have you considered adding blacks? I think you should.

  * * *


  “The man bought me fabric!” I’ve never met a man who cared about fabric. Even my dad, who was surrounded by it constantly, never paid any attention to what my mom was doing. I showed Christian one quilt and he finds me fabric that may work.

  Instead of working on a new project, I go through the fabric Christian sent, matching tones and shades. At least half of what he sent will work. After it’s all laid out, with the colors that work, I snap a photo and send it to him.

  Bethany: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Best gift ever!

  Christian: Glad they work. But, where are the blacks and browns?

  I laugh.

  Bethany: I’ll use them. I promise. Just need to work them in.

  Those colors were never intended to be part of the quilt, but what the hell. He bought the fabric and I can continue the color scheme from whites to blacks. Hell, I might even change how I arrange it. I saw a waterfall, what I call a waterfall, rainbow quilt with shades of white to yellows to oranges. I can do that with white to black, with all colors in between.

  Or, maybe all the trim should be black. I’ve seen some beautiful quilts where black was the border, and it made the colors pop. Maybe Christian is on to something with the black.

  And with that, I’m designing a new quilt, using two-inch squares.

  Yep, I’m falling in love. The man bought me fabric! I still can’t believe it and I’m not about to let him get away if I can help it.


  Washington is a pretty state, I’ll give them that. We are past the half-way point of the tour and I’m anxious to find Scarlett and anxious to get home. We play our last gig in Seattle tonight and head to Portland tomorrow. We’ll play three nights there and during the day, I’m going to be looking for Scarlett.

  Bethany and I have talked rarely. Even though she is free during the day, I haven’t been. We’ve shared some phone calls, but mainly it’s been texting back and forth, with updated photos of her quilt. The one that now has black in it. Maybe it will be done by the time I get back because I can think of lots of fun things go do under that quilt.

  Seattle is a great town and I really like it, and this is the second day that I’ve wandered around. I’m not just taking in the sites, but looking for Scarlett too. We know she headed to the west coast. I think she is in Portland, but she could just as easily be in Seattle or any other city on this side of the country. I also have a quilt store to find. I knew Bethany liked fabric and was building a quilt, but she reacted like most girls would to a piece of jewelry. She hasn’t told me if she has all the fabric she needs so I’ll keep sending it because it does make her happy. Plus, giving fabric is a hell of a lot safer than giving jewelry. It doesn’t hold promises that I’m not sure of.

  Oh, I feel it, but a weekend together and then two weeks apart, does not a serious relationship make. I want there to be one and I’m hoping what my gut is telling me is true, but that isn’t a reason to rush things.

  As with the store in Boise, when the woman working in the quilt store looks up, she’s almost startled. I guess I don’t really look like the average quilter, but at least I know what to ask for this time. By the time I’ve purchased, what I now know are remnants, and explain my mission, the ladies in the shop are all giggly and saying things about me being a keeper. I’m just buying fabric but, to these ladies, it’s akin to the most romantic gift ever. It’s really bizarre because when a guy is trying to think of a romantic gift, which I’ve never done before, I’m pretty sure fabric wouldn’t even make the list.

  The guys in the band are all sitting around the bar where we will be playing when I finally get back to the hotel after shopping. They are watching me, shifting and looking at each other.

  Something is going on that they don’t want to tell me about. “What’s up?”

  They shift some more and then Austin steps forward. “We’re cancelling Portland.”

  That is the only fucking reason I am here in the first place, to get to Portland. “Why?”

  “Harry got us in to see some producers in L.A. so we are headed down there tomorrow morning.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Man, I knew he’d be a fucking jerk about this.” Eric slams his fist down on the table.

  “What about our contracts with the bars in Portland. We can’t just not show.” You just don’t blow off a gig--three gigs--you’ve been advertising in hopes of a better deal.

  “They’ll get over it. This is too big of
an opportunity to pass up,” Jason tries to explain. “You know that. We know that. Don’t be a dick.”

  “I’m not the dick here. We have a commitment and I’m going to see it through.” They don’t know my real reason for going to Portland. They wouldn’t get it and I sure as hell am not going to skip it for a potential record deal.

  “Then you’ll be playing on your own, because we won’t be there.” Seth snorts because it’s his opinion that we are only successful because of him. He plays lead guitar and sings. It might be him or it might not be. I guess I’ll find out for certain when I get to Portland—alone.

  “Don’t have a problem with that,” I assure them with confidence that I’m not really feeling. However, I won’t skip out. This commitment was made months ago and I need to find Scarlett. I may bomb as a solo artist, but at least I won’t be the guy who didn’t show.

  “You can’t use the posters. How are you going to advertise?” Conner grins like I’m so screwed and he’s glad.

  “Sure I can.” I grab one and the black markers they’ve been using and draw a big “X” through their names and then circle mine, which is the last one listed and the note that follows Looking for Scarlett. I should have known when they made up the posters, my name last, that was where they thought I fit in the band. Not that I care. I was just glad they let me put that last bit on.

  Well, they can go get famous without me. My mission is my own and then I’m going back to New York and to my life.

  Mary: Want to grab a drink with me and Kelsey?

  Me: Where and when

  Mary: Poison Apple. Now

  It’s four in the afternoon on a Wednesday.

  Me: Why?

  Mary: We haven’t done spring break activities. We should at least have a drink in the afternoon or something.

  Or, I could keep working on my quilt. Not exactly a normal college break activity. I’d like to go, but it’s the Poison Apple. I haven’t been back there since the night Christian played because I’m pretty sure that is where his friends hang out and I really don’t want to become a part of that group until he invites me in. Being asked to see him play didn’t count.

  Me: Just us three?

  Mary: Yep

  Me: Okay, see you in a bit.

  Good thing I already showered today, so I won’t have to waste time on that. I just wish I didn’t have to put a bra back on.

  The train is a pretty straight shot from my place to there and I don’t have to switch lines anywhere, so it is kind of convenient. I take a deep breath when I step inside and release it when I see only Mary and Kelsey at the bar. Alyssa is behind it, a friend of Christian’s, but it’s not like all of his friends are here, which is what I worried about when I ask Mary who was going to be here.

  There are a few other people here too, sitting a different tables, and the music isn’t blaring for a change. Maybe they keep it at a conversational level at this time of day. The only times I’ve been in are later at night when it’s crowded with millennials drinking.

  “Mosacto?” Alyssa asks when I reach Mary and take a seat.

  How can she even remember that? “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Just got done with the final paperwork for graduation,” Mary says.

  Kelsey grins. “Me too!” She raises her glass. “I can’t believe we are finally going to be done.”

  “We are going to be done,” Mary says. “Bethany is going to continue on.”

  Kelsey and Alyssa look at me in surprise and I quickly explain how I’ve decided to become a physician’s assistant in addition to being a nurse.

  “At least Kelsey has a job lined up,” Mary says. “I hope the hospital offers me one.”

  “They will,” I remind her. I hope they take me too. “Music education, right?” I ask Kelsey. At least I’m pretty sure what Mary told me once, when she was bitching about her roommates, always careful to correct that Kelsey wasn’t one of the bitches.

  “Yep,” she answers, then looks at Alyssa. “I have two job offers actually, I just need to decide on which one.”

  It’s almost like there is a silent communication between the two.

  “Really?” Alyssa asks almost cautiously.

  “Baxter was an excellent school, loved it there and I was thrilled they offered me a spot.”

  “You went to Baxter too?” That is where Christian said he went.

  Alyssa and Kelsey jerk and look at me.

  Did I say anything wrong?

  “Did Christian tell you about Baxter?” Alyssa asks. She’s trying to sound conversational, but there’s a weird edge to her tone.

  “Just that it was a boarding school for talented artists and he was lucky to get in.” How much more is there to know?

  “I was a year behind everyone else,” Kelsey says. “Alex and I hated each other back then.” She laughs. “What can I say, we grew up.”

  “You’d be teaching at the high school you attended?” I ask. I’m not sure I’d like that. I might know some of the students and my former teachers would be colleagues. Wouldn’t that be weird?


  “Where is it? In the city?”

  She shakes her head. “Closer to Poughkeepsie.”

  “What other place offered you a job?” Alyssa asks Kelsey.

  “The school I’m at now. The kids are great, they love music and want to sing, and play instruments, but the school is so poor they can’t afford anything but a choir. The teacher who I’ve been studying under is retiring this year and there are no applicants for the position.” She shakes her head. “The school can be tough, really tough, but music is about the only good thing they have in their lives, so I’m thinking of taking it so they can still sing.” Her face brightens. “There are some amazing voices in that school, and kids that want to learn to play the piano, which the school does have. I think I’m going to teach that when I’m not conducting a choir.”

  “But, what about Baxter?” Mary asks.

  “They have applicants. Besides, this is a way to pay it forward instead of going back.”

  Alyssa nods, a slight curve to her mouth.

  “Alex says it’s up to me, but he’d like me closer.” She smiles.

  “I bet he would,” Alyssa snorts.

  The door opens and four guys walk in. As soon as they are closer I recognize them as having been with Christian at the health fair. The guy with short, really short, black hair is Alex and he goes to Kelsey and puts an arm around her waist before kissing her on the cheek.

  Dylan stops by Mary. She smiles up at him.

  The other two, stop beside me.

  I’ve been set up. I’d told Mary that I’d meet Christian’s friends when and if he wanted me to, but she went ahead and made arrangements anyway. Even though I was introduced to them at the health fair, it isn’t like we bonded and became friends. I shoot a glare at Mary. Her eyes go wide. “Seriously, I didn’t know anyone would be here besides Alyssa, if that.” She holds up her hand. “I swear.”

  “It’s my fault,” Dylan admits sheepishly. “Mary said she was grabbing a drink with you here, and, since you kidnapped Christian, we thought we should get to know you better.”

  “I didn’t kidnap him,” I protest.

  “They’re kidding,” Mary laughs.

  They may be, but this is fucking uncomfortable. Christian and I may have shared and done a lot that weekend, and we’ve texted and talked, but I’m not sure he’d be okay with this. I hope he realizes that I had nothing to do with it.

  Alyssa grabs four mugs and starts filling them from the tap when the guys’ phones all ding at once.

  “Oh, shit!” Ryan says.

  “What the hell happened?” Dylan shakes his head.

  “Does this mean Portland is off?” Zach looks at everyone.

  The text has to be from Christian. Of course, they could know somebody else headed to Portland, but I doubt it.


  The text is just to the guys. The girls can learn from them.

  Me: Grey just broke up.

  Then I take a picture of the poster with just my name and Looking for Scarlett circled.

  Zach: What happened?

  Me: They are skipping out on Portland to head to LA to meet with producers

  Dylan: You?

  Me: Not going

  Ryan: Coming home?

  Me: Nope. Will do the gigs in Portland if they still want me.

  They all know the real reason I’m here and it has nothing to do with music. I’m looking for Scarlett. It isn’t the name of the tour, but something I need to do. Something we all wanted to do, I just got the opportunity.

  Me: Probably go in debt doing it since even Harry is taking off.

  Alex: Stupid. Gives them a bad rep.

  Me: I don’t care. I just hope I can afford the hotels.

  Sean: Airline ticket still good?

  Me: Yep. They won’t cancel that and it’s paid for.

  Ryan: When your world shakes up…

  Sean: And leaves your rattled inside…

  Alex: Just roll with the punches…

  Me: And you’ll be just fine

  I can’t help but chuckle. Shake, Rattle and Roll, my motto at the end of high school and pretty much through college. Easy to say, but not so easy to live by. I tried and maybe that’s why I said it so much. It sure has hell fits this situation. Just because the band broke up and I might be screwed at the moment, it’s not the end of the world. Hopefully I’ll find Scarlett and then in a few days I’ll be back home and go from there.

  Dylan: Good luck with your search.

  Zach: Have you told Bethany?

  Me: Not yet. Why?

  Ryan sends me a picture. Zach is leaning over Bethany’s shoulder, grinning. She, however, doesn’t look as happy. More like a deer caught in the headlights and I’m pretty sure her eyes are begging for a rescue.

  If they are giving her a hard time I’ll kick their asses.

  Me: Why are you with Bethany?